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Merits VR

Merits VR Application

Merits VR lets people with minimal technical knowledge to easily build and share interactive tutorials that enable kinesthetic learning of building real world systems such as assembling a computer, fixing a bike, perhaps building an airplane too. All in an engaging, fun and most importantly safe virtual environments.

Abstract: ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems) have played a significant role in today’s smart learning educational technology environment, where students are given feedback instantly at scale. However, the current, more practically inclined approaches de-emphasize the reliance on the problematic student model, i.e. student's motivation, emotional state and interest instead put more effort into the construction of theory-based user interfaces. Although research in ITS has produced many interesting theoretical insights, there are relatively few ITS which are regularly and effectively used. Through research conducted into current practices in ITS, gaps within the system have been noted. Specifically, the paper attempts to propose a solution to improvise an Intelligent Tutoring System called Merits-VR that makes students in the K12 learning domain to facilitate deep learning.

Design Concept:
As we understand the importance of learner’s affect state in learning for an ITS, I propose to design an Effective Intelligent Tutoring concept tool called Merits-VR for students in the K12 learning domain (Students from grade 1 to 12), that addresses learner’s motivation, emotional state, and interests through a well thought out user interface that will foster deep learning. K12 students want a solid foundation of the knowledge they gain in school in a personalized and engaging way. For example, AutoTutor; an ITS that can detect the student’s emotions by virtue of the way the people interact in natural language. Natural language tends to be more coherent when you are having a flow experience whereas when people are confused, there are often more interruptions and pauses. Similarly, from my research, my design methodology involves a case study on understanding student's emotions by:
a) Natural language interaction processing
b) Micro facial expressions and body language
c) Analyzing voice patterns and eye movements

The interface deciphering learner’s emotions by the above-mentioned ways will help me design an effective ITS that can engage in a personalized and wholesome learning experience for a student.

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